At certain points in your life, you may encounter moments of uncertainty about how to manage your finances and make informed decisions for your financial well-being. With a wide range of available financial products, the task of choosing the most suitable option can be challenging.

In the event that you have limited knowledge of financial matters or are uncertain when it comes to decision-making, seeking professional financial advice can prove useful.

By engaging the services of a financial advisor, assistance can be provided in various areas such as:

  • Preparing for future retirement.
  • Choosing between investing or saving money can be a key financial decision.
  • Maximizing the potential of a significant amount of money, such as severance pay or inheritance received.
  • Acquiring a property or securing a mortgage are both viable options to consider.
  • Cases where life undergoes significant changes include starting a family, divorcing, or losing a spouse.

Would you prefer advice or guidance?

Financial guidance, often provided by individuals and organizations, especially advisory charities, differs from financial advice. While the guidelines offer information on various options, they refrain from approving any specific choice. On the other hand, financial advice guides you towards the most suitable product for your requirements.

If you have a lump sum you want to save, the person giving the guidance will inform you of the general savings options available to you. They could discuss the pros and cons of regular savings accounts, MSR and investments. However, we would not go into details about certain products offered by certain companies or advise you on the most appropriate option. On the other hand, a financial advisor would analyze the specific savings accounts, investments and Isas provided by different companies and would suggest the one that best suits your individual situation.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) does not oversee or regulate routing services. As a result, if you encounter any problems with your financial decisions, you may not be able to file a complaint with either The Financial Ombudsman Service or the Financial Services Compensation Program.

In situations where you are not sure if the information you are receiving is guidance or advice, it is advisable to ask for clarification from the advisor or the organization involved.

Various categories of financial advisors are available to assist individuals in addressing their financial needs.
By carefully examining your individual circumstances and financial goals, financial advisors make customized product recommendations that meet your specific needs.

Within financial guidance, two different categories of advisors can be distinguished.

IFAS provide unbiased guidance on the full range of financial products offered by different companies, ensuring unbiased advice.

Consultants with limitations provide advice within a narrow range of products. Their expertise may be focused on a specific field, such as pensions, or they may only give guidance on products available from a select few companies.

To ensure access to a diverse range of tips and products, it is usually recommended to seek independent financial guidance.

Ensuring the qualification and registration of your advisor is imperative.
The following is a mandatory requirement for all financial advisors:

The National Qualifications and credit framework recognizes Level 4 or higher as a significant achievement.

Your advisor should have a statement of professional standing (SPS), indicating their commitment to the code of ethics and completion of at least 35 hours of professional training per year. It is essential to ensure that your advisor’S SPS certificate is regularly renewed to guarantee its validity.

It is important for any financial advisor to be officially registered with the FCA, as this guarantees that they adhere to the required standards and provides you with additional safeguards in case you are not satisfied with their services. If, for example, you encounter any problems, you have the option to file a complaint with the Financial Services Ombudsman and potentially receive compensation for any accidents that may have occurred.

In the event that a financial advisor does not have registration with the FCA, you can file a complaint directly with the FCA.

Feel free to inquire about the qualifications of counselors and the statement of professional status without any hesitation.

Ensuring that you get the correct instructions can be achieved by following a few key steps.
If the advice given by your financial advisor is not in line with your specific financial requirements, you may be able to express your concerns through an appeal. It is essential that counselors offer appropriate guidance tailored to your individual needs.

The recommendations of the financial advisor should cover a number of appropriate financial products.

We ensure that our prices are within your budget, making them accessible and affordable for you.

Consider whether your savings goals are focused on the long-term or short-term.

Make sure that the level of risk is in line with your desired suitability.

Consider whether you are subject to taxation.

In the event that the consultant neglects these considerations and suggests a product that is unsuitable for your needs, resulting in a financial loss, you have the right to file a complaint.

Within their qualifications, the advisor’s responsibility is to provide appropriate guidance. For example, when consulting a limited advisor, they are solely required to suggest a product of their own choice that suits your needs. You do not need to be notified by a limited advisor to be able to obtain a comparable product from another company at a lower price. In the event that you learn this information later, you would have no reason to complain.

Considering this factor, it might be more useful to seek guidance from an impartial financial advisor who possesses the ability to evaluate the wide range of products available on the market.

In the event that the financial advisor cannot find a suitable product to meet your requirements, it is his obligation to refer you to another advisor who can provide assistance. Failure to comply with this responsibility may be a cause of complaint on your part.

Here is a list of basic tasks to do during your first meeting with a counselor.

Let me give you some useful suggestions regarding what you can do during your first meeting with a financial advisor.

Make sure that the consultant you are Consulting has the necessary qualifications to provide you with advice that is relevant to your needs.

Make sure to diligently record important details from the meeting to maintain an accurate account of the discussions.

To ensure understanding, it is important to ask a number of queries and fully understand all the information that is transmitted to you.

It is important to allocate sufficient time for reflection when making decisions or when evaluating different products together with another consultant. There is no obligation to commit immediately to anything without careful consideration.

Make sure you are ready to give true answers when faced with queries. The financial consultant will inquire in detail about your financial goals and personal situation in order to suggest products that best suit your needs.

Ensure that your personal data remains confidential and determine whether it is being used for marketing purposes.

Things to consider before consulting a financial advisor
When looking for a financial advisor, it is important to first determine the type of advice you need. This key step will allow you to identify the most appropriate advisor for your unique circumstances. To help you with this process, here is a checklist that lists the key considerations to keep in mind.

Do you have any specific future events that require financial planning? This may include retirement, saving for a home, or securing funds for your children’s schooling costs. It is important to evaluate your life and identify events that require financial planning.

Do you have additional funds to invest in? It would be wise to thoroughly evaluate your financial situation in order to determine the amount you are able to allocate for savings. Prioritize resolving any outstanding debts, loans or bills before proceeding.

Are you willing to take a certain level of risk when it comes to your finances? Investing money always carries the possibility of losing part or all of your investment. Different investments come with different levels of risk, but the potential for higher returns exists with riskier options. In general, the longer you hold on to your investments, the more likely you are to make a profit instead of experiencing losses.

What is the desired duration of your investment? The timeframe you are willing to commit to influences the selection of the product by the financial advisor.

Are you looking for guidance on various investment options? This could include ethical or environmentally conscious investments, as well as financial products that comply with Sharia principles.
Are you looking for guidance or are you just looking for knowledge? You may need someone to offer you recommendations on how to manage your finances, or you may just need financial product information to make an informed decision yourself. Certain financial advisors are capable of providing advice and information.

Are you looking for advice on one case or do you need constant guidance? It is essential to determine the price of the advice and ensure that it is in line with your financial capabilities.

Information that a financial advisor should provide to you.
During your first meeting with a financial advisor, it is important that you get transparent and comprehensive details regarding the range of services they provide, which may include:

The advisor should disclose the nature of the advice, whether independent or limited. In the case of limited advice, the advisor should provide information about specific restrictions, such as the offer of products exclusively by certain companies.

The range of guidelines you will receive may vary. For example, you can simply search for information to help you with your decision-making process or you may need recommendations on the most optimal choices available to you.

The price of advice will depend on how much you are willing to pay.

In addition, your advisor should provide you with a document containing essential information, including key facts about:

Services provided by the consultant or company you are currently using.

Items that have been suggested specifically for your needs

You have the freedom to review your decision in relation to obtaining a financial product and there is a certain time frame within which you can exercise this right.

If there is something you do not understand, it is in your right to ask for further information or explanation.
If you are dissatisfied with the service or product provided, here is a guide on how to effectively file a complaint.

The company is authorized and regulated by the relevant authorities.

Costs associated with the service and/or product.

In the event that your advisor does not provide you with this information, be sure to ask them for it.

What will be the cost of running?
Obtaining financial advice may require payment, and there may also be costs associated with the purchase of financial products.

It is essential to have a thorough understanding of the costs associated with the advice you receive and the costs associated with the Recommended Products. Take the time to understand all the costs involved and compare fees and investment costs among various advisors before making a final conclusion. It is possible that you can get the same product at a lower price with another advisor.


The compensation structure for advisors moved away from commission-based payments. As a result, the advice they give is unaffected by the potential commissions they could earn from specific investments.

  • A fee may be charged to seek advice.
  • Rate calculated per hour.
  • The fee is determined based on the amount of work required.
  • A fixed monthly fee.
  • Part of the funds invested.

It is important for your financial advisor to provide a clear explanation of the costs of their services and for both parties to reach a payment agreement. You have the option to pay the advisor in advance or to agree where their compensation is deducted from the amount of your investment.

To ensure transparency and understanding regarding fees, it is important that your advisor clearly state costs and ensure that you understand the amount charged to you.

To ensure the most favorable conditions, it is advised to compare fees among different advisors as they may differ from each other.

Additional fees may apply to maintain your investments or for ongoing consulting services.

Finding the right financial advisor can be achieved by following a few essential steps.
If you are looking for guidance on a diverse range of products and want to estimate prices, it is recommended that you seek the services of an impartial financial advisor. The following entities can connect you with an authorized advisor located near you:

Website Unbiased at it provides a platform to find independent and limited advisors who have access to a comprehensive range of products from all companies. While these advisors may offer a wide variety of options, they may also have expertise in certain areas, such as pensions.

The Society for personal finance offers a convenient online resource on where individuals can find independent and limited financial advisors.

On their website you can discover independent and limited counselors.
If you currently have financial ties to a bank or building society and trust their offerings, you may prefer to seek their guidance, which is known as limited advice.

If you choose this option, it is important to recognize the possibility of alternative financial products offered by different companies, which may prove more cost-effective or better aligned with your specific requirements.

Numerous complaints have been made regarding the services provided by financial advisors.

If your investment does not yield the expected return, you are not allowed to bring your complaints to the financial advisor. However, in the event that you have suffered losses due to incorrect advice, inaccurate or misleading information, or inadequate management, you have the right to file a complaint against the advisor who originally gave you the guidance.

If you feel that you are not satisfied with the solution provided through the company’s established complaint handling protocol, follow-up will depend on the source of the guidance you have received.
